Note: This web3 starter pack was presented by Crypto, Culture & Society 🍎 Find them on: 🐦Twitter

What is this? 🤔

This starter pack is for those new to crypto.

At CCS we’re creating a space for people who care about the broader societal and cultural impacts of web3 and we challenge our members to ask the “so what?” questions about crypto. But before you can meaningfully engage in deeper conversations, it’s helpful to know the basics of web3 and the parts that make it up like DAOs, NFTs and DeFi.

You can share this starter pack with this link: ✨

How to navigate this doc? 🗺️

This starter pack is split into 4 crypto concepts (web3, DAOs, NFTs & DeFi). Feel free to devour them in any order, but we recommend starting with web3.

For each concept we provide:

  1. The ABCs This is our suggested reading. If you only have time for one, this would be it!
  2. Pretty Good Alternative The ABCs didn’t cut it for you? We have 1-2 alternatives that you might like better.
  3. Just a Little Bit More Non-essential, but fun to get into if you have time! ⚠️ WARNING⚠️  Clicking on any of these might lead you down the rabbit hole 🐇 🕳️
  4. Other Media This label might be boring, but the selected links are not! 😉 These are for those who prefer learning through videos or audio over text.

Get Started 👇

<aside> 🌐 Web3


<aside> 🏡 DAO


<aside> 🎨 NFTs


<aside> 💰 DeFi


<aside> 🙏 Special thanks to @ananth, @xian & @wenda for their contribution to this starter pack.


🌐 Web3

Web3 is a version of the internet that aims to reduce power held by centralized institutions by distributing control to users.

Web1: Read Web2: Read, Write Web3: Read, Write, Own

Web3: in a nutshell

by Eshita

The ABCs

The best way to explain web3 is to guide you through the evolution from web1 → web2 → web3. In this short article, Eshita talks about how content and the relationship between internet and creators are changing in web3.


you already get web3. no, really.

by LDF

Pretty Good Alternative

Web3 is about a few key themes or human issues: future of work, digital identities, decentralization of power, interoperability, etc. So the first question in web3 should be: what do you care about?


A Primer to Web3

by Katie Chiou

Just a Little Bit More

A 44-page slides covering all the basics from blockchain history to Layer 2s to social tokens. Everything you need to know about web3 - Katie has in this powerhouse of a primer!


web3 starter pack 🏄🏾‍♂️

by jay_drainjr

Just a Little Bit More

For folks to jump right into the Web3 rabbit hole, featuring the most frequently asked and fundamental crypto questions, the web3 starter pack by Jay.


What is Web 3.0? (Explained with Animations)

by Whiteboard Crypto

Other Media

In this video, you'll learn about Web 3.0 and how it differs from the past versions of the internet. Cryptocurrencies and decentralization are changing how we interact with the web forever!


Intro to Web3 for beginners

by School of Block

Other Media

Web 3 ushers in the era of your personal, digital, freedom. Free from what though, you ask?